Saturday, 31 December 2011

Obama SIGNS the National Defense Authorization Act.

Obama SIGNS the National Defense Authorization Act
Its official. Obama Signs Martial Law Bill: NDAA Now Law . America is doomed. while you were busy celebrating the year end here Obama in a sneaky way signs the NDAA the National Defense Authorization Act.Bill "I want to clarify that my administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens. Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a nation." said Obama , is there anybody still believing this guy he always says one thing and does the contrary , few weeks ago he was saying that he will veto the NDAA now he sign it , he also said that the first thing he will do when he will become president is to close Guantanamo Bay ....

Will Lord Obama Send Americans to Gitmo?

Will Lord Obama Send Americans to Gitmo?
Ray McGovern Reports

New reasons to hate people - Commedy

New reasons to hate people

Redneck on the economy

William Cooper UFO's Are Not what you think

William Cooper UFO's Are Not what you think

Have the deceivers jumped the gun in 1984?

UFO / Flying Saucer with alien pilot lands during the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics Closing Ceremony

William Cooper lecture 'Behold a pale horse' (full)

William Cooper lecture 'Behold a pale horse' (full)

Bill Cooper interview. FULL VERSION

Bill Cooper interview. FULL VERSION

Bill Cooper's Final Conclusions Re: UFO Phenomena

Cooper studied and followed UFO phenomena, and from the little information that I have seen, it seems clear that his understanding on this subject evolved over time, eventually settling on the notion that underlying the entire thing is a gigantic hoax, fabricated to frighten and infantilise people into accepting the imposition of a global government to counter a perceived alien threat.

The first half of the clip contains Cooper's summary of his conclusions about UFO phenomena. The second half contains examples of the sorts of phenomena he was referring to, hoaxes, fake reports and make believe, pretend performances by hired, lying politicians, building up a historical record of lies and deception, as if there was something real behind it all that humanity must fear.

Bill coopers....Last prediction

Jones's Response to Bill Cooper Attacking Him

Good summary of Jones's approach to critics and criticisms of his work, starting from around the 7:00 mark.

William Cooper Attacks Me From The Grave: Alex Jones - In His Own Words Prison Planet TV 8-10-09

Alex Jones interview with Bill Cooper from 1998

Another iconic interview by Alex Jones is with Bill Cooper. Having listened to this interview, when Jones was still a very young man and in the process of figuring the landscape out, I have come to the conclusion that Jones has been pretty much following the conceptual framework and understanding developed by Bill Cooper. Unfortunately, this is something that has been poorly acknowledged, but the credit for having figured it all out goes to Cooper, in my view.

I will provide here the link to the first of the clips, and people click through the dozen or so of them from there.

Alex Jones interview with Bill Cooper from 1998 Part 1

Alex Jones Interviews David Mayer de Rothschild

Alex Jones has many feathers to his cap, including giving a voice to marginalised heroes like Aaron Russo and James Trafficant, who dared speak their truth to all who would listen. But one of Jones's achievements that especially stands out for me is this threashing he gave to one of the slickest conmen and thieves of the money mafia, David Mayer de Rothschild. Amongst other things, including the substantive issues that are debated, this interview speaks volumes about the character and moral commitments of these two men.

David de Rothschild on Alex Jones Show (1 - 4) 
Alex Jones interview David Rothschild on global warming, his new book, and live earth concerts of 7/7/07. The interview shifts to the tyranny and oppression brought on by the history of the Rothschild name and their control of the world banks.

Aaron Russo - Reflections And Warnings on AJ

Reflections And Warnings - An Interview With Aaron Russo {Full Film}


ILLUMINATI PROJECT - ShowBiz 911 - Sheen and Jones


ILLUMINATI PROJECT part 109  - Charlie Sheen

The Shah of Iran Exposes The Illuminati

The Shah of Iran Exposes The Illuminati

A Cure For Cancer

Happy New Year Everyone!!!
It is fitting that the first post should be about a great promise.

Proof the FDA is suppressing the cure for cancer

Why Putin is Under Attack by Jewish Media

This article is a few years old now, but it seems as relevant today as it has been when it was written. If anything, the issues and power struggles detaild in it have intensified.

Why Putin is Under Attack
By David Duke

Because of the ongoing escalation of anti-Russian rhetoric both by the American press and President Bush, I have undertaken a short trip to Moscow to interview Russian leaders in an effort to gain a deeper understanding of the real policies of Russian President Vladimir Putin. I plan to write about this issue extensively and incorporate some of the research into my next book. Over the past few days I have met with members of the Duma, some nationalist newspaper editors, and some leaders of the Russian anti-globalist, nationalist community. I even put on my journalist cap and interviewed some of the Jewish publishers! Here is my personal analysis of the conflict that looms between the Anglo-American-Israel Axis and Putin’s Russia.

You can read the entire article here:

Friday, 30 December 2011

Flushing The Parasites

This is another seminal article on the subject of controlling and exploiting people and entire national economies through finance. It was referenced in the preceding article, and I thought that it should merit starring it in its own right. Here is the introductory paragraph from it as a primer:

Flushing the Parasites
By Nikki Alexander
March 12, 2009 "Information Clearing House" --

When Benjamin Franklin was called before the British Parliament in 1757 and asked to account for the prosperity in the American colonies. He replied, "That is simple. In the colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Scrip. We issue it in proper proportion to the demands of trade and industry to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner, creating for ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay to no one." It was the struggle for financial sovereignty that precipitated the American Revolution when the (Rothschild) Bank of England forced the colonists to give up their own currency.
That war never ended.

Ron Paul and Economic Theories

As minds are being freed up and awareness of how the Money Mafia is controlling and exploiting entire economies through their control of the money supply that those economies rely on for trade and the most ordinary, everyday purchases and transactions, it appears that people remain by and large blind to the dangers inherent in the alternative to which they are looking as a solution.

What is that alternative? It is the introduction of sound money, a commodity backed currency. There is nothing inherently wrong with this, of course, but it is going to spell an absolute disaster for people who do not hold that commodity when the the transition to sound money takes place. These problems will be especially exacerbated if a jubilee on debts is not declared when sound money is introduced. There will be wholesale bankruptcies and people with debts not holding the necessary commodity to cover their debts will lose everything. EVERYTHING!!!

I will not go on here in this preamble as to the reasons for this being the case, as it can be discussed in the comments, which I suggest should be numbered by each person posting with the next number in the sequence. However, I will post here a link to an article that deals with the ins and outs of what I am talking about.

This should not be taken as an attack on Ron Paul. I am a supporter of him. But it is important that people look at the potential situation where Ron Paul is elected and sound money is introduced, as it should be, but with the catch that people do not hold their savings in the commodities in question at the time of transition, and where the transition is not complemented with debt forgiveness.

Ron Paul and Economic Theories

The American Citizen is The New Indian with Activist John Trudell

The American Citizen is The New Indian with Activist John Trudell

Slow Kill Holocaust: Proof the Government is Poisoning You

Slow Kill Holocaust: Proof the Government is Poisoning You